
Haygrove School

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School Uniform and Equipment



Visitors remark on how smart our students look and we believe that a proper school uniform, worn appropriately reflects our high standards, expectations and ethos. The principle is, quite simply, that a student who is wearing the correct uniform is showing commitment and pride in being a Haygrove student.

The purpose behind our Haygrove uniform policy is:

  • to promote a positive school image
  • to encourage self-esteem in students by reducing competitive dressing;
  • to prepare students for the expectations of employers with regard to standards of dress

All students are expected to wear school uniform and we seek the support and co-operation of our parents at all times in this.

Haygrove's Uniform Guide


We have a second-hand uniform Facebook group. .



From September 2022, we will issue all students with the basic equipment they need to support their learning and ensure a swift start to lessons. The expectation is that students will carry this pencil case with them every day for checking.  

 Equipment List